Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I am NOT a breakfast person.

I'm actually not a morning person, either. Tell that to my body as it wakes up at 5 am repeatedly.

Anyhow, I finished off my delicious loaf of pain rustique last night, so when I wanted a toast a few minutes ago, I couldn't find anything I wanted.

So I went to peruse my cereal shelf. I don't eat cereal much either - like maybe 10-12 times a year. For some reason, most times the cereal or milk or combination of the two doesn't agree with my tummy.

But I have this.

And it's soooooo good. I am eating a bowl right now. Not sure if it's considered breakfast, as I've already been up for 3 hours, but it is only 8 am, so I guess today I am having breakfast.

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