Obama cuts missile defense spending.

But why cut the Missile Defense Agency program budget by $1.4 billion? Shouldn't we at least maintain the currently budgeted R&D efforts currently underway for improved detection and defensive technologies? I'm talking about defensive efforts here, not offensive.
People argue that to have an emphasis on defensive efforts implies there are offensive efforts in the background. To imply there are offensive efforts motivates the countries that are known threats to the USA to also bolster their offensive efforts.
It's a tough, multi-faceted problem to solve. But I'm not sure that cutting defensive research spending is the very first step that should be taken.
And how is the world not in an uproar over North Korea launching this missile? They have been defiant and provocative through stalled talks etc. And now the UN is talking about giving them an "out" instead of forcing a new resolution.
There are countries in the world who hate us because we exist. They hate the ideas behind our society - liberty and justice for all. Some people think we can diplomatically solve these issues. If we show our soft belly and become peaceful, friendly America, then maybe the madmen will stop making nukes and aiming them at us.
Some people think these small countries led by madmen who hate the US are actually scared, deep down, to use a nuke because we will wipe them off the map. Uh.. hello? Martyrs, anyone? Didn't the terrorists flying the planes on 9/11/01 die for their cause?
I am wondering if we get hit by a nuke if Obama will fight back.
Maybe he'll try to "use his words".
It's going to be a long 4 years.
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